evening's sun
tada... and finally !! the actual painting is much bigger, just that it can't fit my scanner. Will take a pic of it on a sunny day and post it up.
I was inspired by the warm and rich african colors i saw in uma's deco and decided to use them as my background. chrome orange, mango yellow, burnt sienna with a tinge of vermillion. I allowed em' to bleed and soak thru'. was trying out clement's technique- to let the colors rebel instead of controling them. well, it was disastrous. i was upset. very. (the backgd was screaming at the flowers and i lacked the technique)
so now we have prussian blue and dirty brown (it's below u can't see em' here) for it's background instead. of all the mendings done, this came thru'. thx god my sunflowers could be save ! (i actually prayed ;p )
the middle sunflower wd do good with a stalk leaning down to the right. but ah, i can't undo dark colors. btw, shouldn't they be sleeping by evening?